Don’t Fall Short: Indoor & Outdoor Home Prep Tips for Autumn

You can smell it now, the faint aroma of pumpkin spice in the air. You can hear the crunch of the crisp autumn leaves that have fallen. You can see the reds, oranges and yellows covering the treetops! Autumn is less than a month away, and while we’re excited for the cool fall breeze and cozy sweaters, we need to think about home prep for the coming season! Here’s a to-do list for indoor and outdoor preparations that will help you rest easy all autumn long.

 You may think it’s too early to start thinking past fall and into the colder months, but fall is the perfect time to prepare. The cooler clear weather is a great time to prep your home and winter machinery before you get stuck doing it in the cold snow!

 Take a walk around your home’s exterior. Any outdoor furniture you won’t be using for the fall and winter should be cleaned and covered or put away. You don’t want heavy winter weather or moisture from the fall season to cause mold growth or damage to your furniture. Find your heating and cooling units and make sure they are clear of debris and easy to access. Have a professional inspect your units to make sure they’re running at 100% energy efficiency and safely. You will also want to check all your outside spigots, hoses, and faucets to make sure they are turned off or drained before the freezing weather comes. Inspecting and cleaning your gutters can also prevent clogs and leaks. Fall leaves, though they are pretty, can easily clog your gutters and prevent water from flowing away from your home.


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